Incinerator of RSUD Adnan WD Payakumbuh Will Be Relocated

N3, Payakumbuh - Incinerator at the Regional Hospital Adnan WD Payakumbuh City will be relocated to other places.

The incinerator relocation of RSUD Adnan WD Payakumbuh is the impact of the existence of a condition that is at the present moment.

Head of Payakumbuh Health Office Elzadaswarman explained that incinerator relocation is still in the process of discussion. When it's done, it's immediately moved. Monday (24/7).

"The removal of the hospital waste incineration started from the findings of the BPK", he said.

"Based on the findings of BPK, the incinerator located in the Adnan WD Regional Hospital is not suitable anymore. Because it needs to be relocated elsewhere, "said Head Office  of Health Payakumbuh City.

According to the plan, from the submission of UKL-UPL study submitted by the Payakumbuh Health Office about the construction of an incinerator relocation Adnan WD Hospital Payakumbuh. Incinerator will be moved to the location of Final Disposal Place (TPA) waste in Padang Karambia, South District of  Payakumbuh.

"The latest rules require that hospital incinerators should be free from people's homes with a minimum distance of 30 meters", said bang Zet - his familiar greeting. (Rahmat Sitepu)
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